
Showing posts from 2012

Release Work

Release Work  by Maggie Chula We are experiencing a wonderful time of change, regeneration and rebirth. The Earth is shifting into a new vibrational alignment with the power planets within our solar system. The human species is shifting into a new dimension of understanding about who we are and what our purpose is within this beautiful expansive universe.  While all this wonderful energy and shifting is taking place we are each being called to release our fears, doubts and limiting thoughts to make way for a new expansive understanding on how we are all connected and aligned together as a species and with our Soul Being.  The question comes up, how do you release limiting beliefs and fears easily and effortlessly if you haven’t been able to do this before? Why should you be able to do this now just because the date is somehow a combination of ....what? This doesn’t make sense!!!   The answer is, no it doesn’t make logical sense and it isn’t mean...

Create a place for wellness each and every day.

This has been an amazing year of change and growth. As we come to the holiday season for 2012 and embrace this wonderful time of year it is also a good time to reflect back on personal changes so we can understand how far we have come. Sometimes the main voice in our head only shares how far we still want to go and we do not allow ourselves to take a moment and feel the beautiful sense of accomplishment for everything we got done. Doing this might be as simple as taking the time each day to tune in and connect to our higher wisdom and guidance. Or taking the time each day to be grateful for all the abundance within the world around us. Whatever you do or however you stop for a moment every day to be present within your life, you are giving yourself the gift of being still, silent and okay with the life you are creating.  Taking a silent moment to tune in to your higher wisdom, or still your mind enough to be present and happy with where you are now is very healing. It helps y...

Heart Healing with Arch Angel Raphael

A few nights ago, when I went to bed, I prayed for a healing dream. I said," Mother, Father, God, Creator of all there is, I respectfully request a healing dream to help me release my fears and anxiety and restore my thoughts to the understanding that all is as it should be and I am aligning to the highest vibration for my current consciousness and higher wisdom. "   I had several times when I woke up during the night just long enough to register what I had been dreaming about and each time it was saving someone, a group, healing on a  larger level of thought than my own. Then the hour before I had planned to get up I started having an intense pressure on my chest. I understood my heart energy was expanding and pulsating outward and my physical heart was releasing and purging. I was getting mildly concerned because I did feel it within my physical body and the pressure was like a giant rubber band squeezing my chest. I realized I was looking through the Emerald Mirror ...

Working withiin the Akashic Vibration

I teach a course I call the Akashic Vibration Process. This course has been shared with me by the Arch Angels, Masters and Guides located within the Akashic Vibration. They are multi dimensional beings just as we all are. The time has come though to truly open up on a conscious level to our multi dimensional selves. My classes on the Akashic Vibration and the many tools and levels within this vibration is very visual and I use a series of channeled guided visualizations within the class to help my students feel, sense and know this wonderful, loving vibration. While the Akashic Records are a part of the course they are not the only tools shared with us. We also learn how to use the Hall of Records, the Flame of Transmutation, the Emerald Mirror or Looking Glass, and many other wonderful tools as well as helping you meet your own Counsel of Light Beings.  I have spent the past two years focused on this process. I have taken hundreds of people through the initiation and a ...

So you want to host a radio show?

Yes indeed I am embracing all my fears and doubts and moving my life forward. I have taken the very liberating (although scary) step of doing a weekly radio show with my new business buddy Avianna. We share a passion to help expand the human conscious connection and understanding of who we are as spiritual beings growing in a physical life.  As I said in my last blog article Goddess energy is on the rise, once I made the conscious decision to share my passion and spread the work of the Akashic Vibration Process in any and all ways possible, this amazing opportunity opened up. How does a person turn away from something like that when their soul purpose is to share the work of the beautiful beings that dwell within the Akasha? I really felt this was a good sign and one I was prepared to take. So, as of this Friday, August 10th, 2012 Soul Essence will make its debut on the new Om Radio Network on NewSkyRadio. To learn more I have put information on my website www.ACenterForEnli...

Goddess energy is on the rise! 7/29/12

Today I made the most amazing progress in the understanding of the creation of the course Akashic Vibration Process. The last time I took the  founding group of women into the Akashic Vibration our class was Access the Goddess Within. It was our sixth journey to the Akasha together and the first one without the male energy of our founding partners. My life has not been the same since that class was channeled 17 days ago. My fellow sisters of the light helped me on the start of my journey to finally release the memories and feelings of fear I have felt being seen in the light as the channel and co creator of the Akashic Vibration Process. This work and the attention it deserves has always scared me. It kicks up memories from this lifetime when I was 9 and my life shattered in a heartbeat. The heartbeat was my mother’s and it stopped beating due to actions of others. The affect was like a personal nuclear bomb went off. The life and lives of all who were impacted by this event has...

Creating a new office space for clients

Well my transition is in progress and I am now working from home. It has been an interesting few months as I have processed this decision. Part of me was reluctant to be so tied to one place but part of me understood I could control my environment better within my own home. In my case though my husband is retired and at home also. So we are working on our joined interest in the home and how we will use and share our space.  Gary and I are fortunate with our home. He has lived on this land and in this home for 27 years. Our lawn, gardens and trees are very much his pride and joy and a beautiful reflection of his artistic nature. I am blessed to have a wonderful view outside my office window and even more blessed to have two areas within our home for office use.  My primary power center is where the desktop, printer, files and two desks are. That room is great for organization and focus. The window is one floor above ground and looks out onto the trees.  Th...
What new and exciting things can I create today? Maggie Chula May 23, 2012 I have recently made the decision that the best way for me to support my business and my home is to merge the two and once again work out of my home. This time will be slightly different. I am much more comfortable working from home than I was a couple of years ago and I am embracing the opportunity to take sessions outside if my client or students would like to and it is a nice day.  It has taken me many years to continually stay within the understanding that everything I need to be successful is within me and available to me always. As I embrace this concept and work within the dynamics of building that conscious awareness within my life I am finding more freedom to express myself within my writing. I have branched out from the blog and for the third month in a row have successfully submitted an article for publishing to Om Times. A link to my articles and my blog is located within ACe...
Embrace new possibilities. This year has been an amazing year of learning new ways of expressing myself and sharing my understanding about how we are creating our lives and the opportunities that are coming to us. I have had so many unexpected changes I started to worry about what I was creating. Then I remembered to relax and take the time to really understand what was occurring. I am learning to go to my temple in the Akashic vibration and work with the tools there for healing, understanding and integrating the many changes and lessons of this truly magical time. And so I am always returning to the magic and wonder of my own mind. I have never seen or felt things the way most of the people around me seem to.  It used to bother me quite a bit and at times I did believe I was either scary or crazy or psychotic. However through all the years and challenges I was always surrounded by the most loving and compassionate energy that I realized if my family and friends coul...

What now my love?

Do you know that lyric, “what now my love, now that it’s over. I feel the world closing in on me.” Well, in many ways life is ending. Not in the way that we are going to need the cans of food and bottles of water people were hoarding at the turn of the century or as I refer to it, the last time people started talking about the end of days. No, this is an end of our being able to delude ourselves that our actions do not have an effect on those around us. The end of our being able to be the “victim of life”. I know I wrote about turning from “victim to victorious” a couple of months ago but this is a time when once is not enough. This is a time when we need to hear, understand and acknowledge our part in the play that is taking place on Earth.  For too long the shadow energy of oppression has been allowed to take over and control the majority of the energy that surrounds this planet. How is that happening? Because we have been as a collective group running away from life and r...

Springtime Awakenings

Last week was the first day of Spring in my corner of the world and we have been having very nice, warm weather. The temperatures have been way above the normal range and that has me concerned. I do not usually dwell on my concerns I would rather focus on health, healing and staying well. So looking at this from a cleaner perspective I needed to refocus on how nice it is to hear the birds singing and calling out to each other. How wonderful it was to go for a walk in the woods and see butterflies. Yet in the back of my thoughts was the troubling knowledge that this was near the end of March and I live in Wisconsin. This type of nature activities, such as leaves forming on the trees, lilac buds on the bushes is not a part of what I expect for this time of year.  I know I can relax and enjoy this. I have the ability to tune into the energy of the forest and really feel the excitement and anticipation of the life around me. Yet something stays lurking within my mind that this c...

Victim to Victorious

The question that keeps popping up in my head is, Victim or Victorious? This was coming through as I keep pushing against a charge that was put on my credit card for a purchase I thought I wanted to make but immediately after the purchase (online) decided “no”  I choose to wait until another time to purchase that item.   The issue arose when the company I was purchasing the product from was not listening to my pleas to cancel the purchase and instead keep using very good sales techniques to help me see the purchase was timely. needed and in fact so good what I really wanted was to increase my purchase so I would have more.  Hum, what happened then? I called again and tried speaking to someone else about the purchase who also either tried to placate me or talk me into something in addition to ... This went on one more time where I actually lost my composure and talked loudly just in case the people were actually hard of hearing instead of trained not to hear.  ...

Lighten Up!

A common theme for me in this life is to "lighten up". While I think I am light and full of love I do know my thoughts can be heavy with past memories and thoughts. As I get more clear with myself of how I wish to share my time on this Earth and the work I want to do it has become important to me to use each day fully. Be fully present with each activity I do and with each person I interact with and allow the past thoughts and images to have their own time each day. By giving my past an actual time each day to be acknowledged and understood I have freed up my awareness of Now to become an alive entity. My Now has become an energy pattern that feels fresh, clean and full of possibilities. For too long I have been victimized by the Darkness that surrounded me as a young child. I have run from it. I have hid from it. I have pushed against it. I have studied and worked with numerous alternative healing activities in my hope this would allow the Darkness to leave me so I don...

What it means to me to be called a Psychic

It was with tremendous trepidation after years of internal dialog that I chose to come out and use the word Psychic as a description of my work and natural abilities. The word Psychic has enormous energy as an archetype. Many people have a lot of preconceived ideas of what it means and it has a vibration of power I have fled from for most of my life. Why would anyone willingly come out in the open and tell people they have an ability that scares some people, has been judged so harshly through the centuries as being evil or doesn’t even exist as has been declared by other groups? I felt I would be putting  myself on trial to be judged. That is what I feel from some people a judgement of “so you believe you are better than me, or know more than I do.” To which I would like to say, “no I don’t”. I am a channel, a facilitator, a human instrument who allows a higher energy or higher intelligence to use me to reach out and help my fellow human beings and myself heal on some level. In a ...

Coming into the Light

I am a Psychic and I was born with the ability to tune into a world that was unseen by my friends and family. I have always channeled information from my guides and teachers. When I was young this information would pop out of my mouth and when asked where I heard it or learned it I could not tell anyone. I really did not know other than my unseen friends might have shared it. I haven’t always used this ability. I consciously turned it off when I was 10. My mother had been murdered and I was overwhelmed by the dark energies that surrounded me and wanted to hide so the Darkness could not find me or my family. I spend many, many years successfully in hiding (or so I thought) until the time came for me to wake up. I started to consciously call back the energy and my unseen friends around the turn of the new century and now I am happy to report they are with me when I need guidance or I want to receive guidance for others. I am now a conscious channel which is a person who is aware of the ...

Yeah for 2012!!

As I start this new year I can not help but be influenced by all the amazing things I have heard, read or imagined would happen within the year 2012. I never did think civilization as we know it would end and be destroyed like it was during Atlantis or Lemuria. In those days when the massive earth changes destroyed the land civilization was lost. Today we see the effects and our heart goes out to the people within those nations but life goes on and our world continues.  When I went into the Akashic Records and asked for guidance on the meaning of this 2012 vibration this is the message I received; The Earth is shown to me as a hologram. Inside the Earth are multiple changes taking place that will have an effect on land masses and where water is located within the surface of the Earth. There are areas that will be shifting and changing and because of the additional strain on the Earth and it’s atmosphere due to the way we as people are using and abusing the Earth’s resources some ...