Create a place for wellness each and every day.
This has been an amazing year of change and growth. As we come to the holiday season for 2012 and embrace this wonderful time of year it is also a good time to reflect back on personal changes so we can understand how far we have come. Sometimes the main voice in our head only shares how far we still want to go and we do not allow ourselves to take a moment and feel the beautiful sense of accomplishment for everything we got done. Doing this might be as simple as taking the time each day to tune in and connect to our higher wisdom and guidance. Or taking the time each day to be grateful for all the abundance within the world around us. Whatever you do or however you stop for a moment every day to be present within your life, you are giving yourself the gift of being still, silent and okay with the life you are creating.
Taking a silent moment to tune in to your higher wisdom, or still your mind enough to be present and happy with where you are now is very healing. It helps you break that endless chatter of “I need to do..., I should have done...., how will I do ....” All that information that floods our mind each and every day and doesn’t contribute to our well being or our ability to accomplish our goals.
Each and every day is a new beginning. A new chance to create and learn and grow. No matter who you are or what you have already accomplished there is always something else to do or be or create. Learning how to be happy and joyful now is an art. It takes practice and has a value that can not be measured. Give yourself the gift of taking a few minutes every day and breathing in the amazing healing energy from the Universe. With each breath feel centered, grounded and a part of the Source of all that is.
At night if you are finding it hard to power down and get enough sleep this visualization will help you.
Take some deep breaths and connect up to the understanding that you are breathing in the wonderful energy of the Universe. Thank the Source of all that is for everything that is positive in your life. Be grateful also for your health, your family, your work. Allow yourself to breath out and let go of any worries or concerns. Use your mind to help you see, feel or know that the divine angelic beings who are with you always will take your worries and keep a safe watch over everything that bothers or concerns you. Allow yourself to let go of your concerns knowing the angels have them in their care. When you feel the angels are aware of your concerns and have them in their safe keeping, allow yourself to relax and breath. Then visualize a beautiful white light coming down from the Universe and breath that light into the top of your head. As the light touches your crown see your crown chakra able to relax and go into a state of rest. The chakra is open but relaxed, ready to power down the body’s energy but open to receive guidance through the dream state. Allow this beautiful healing light to slowly sink down and touch all your other energy centers and your body. Where ever and what ever the light touches will relax and let go. Allow yourself to let go of the feeling or need to control anything. Remember the angels are near by keeping their watch over you and your loved ones. Everything is as it should be. Everyone is safe and protected. And for now all you need or want to do is sleep. Then allow yourself to drift off into to blissful state of dreaming. Knowing when you wake up you will keep this level of safety, love and lightness within you as you go through your day.
If you work with these images and these actions you will find yourself feeling better, being more confident and content within your life. So give yourself the present of being more present within your life. Stay within your connection to your higher wisdom and call on the angels each and every day to protect you and keep you and your loved ones safe. They will answer your prayers. Believe in them and you will feel their presence.
With love, Maggie
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