A Horse Ghost story

Animals have always played an important part within my life. I love to interact with them and I know there are times they want my attention usually to share information with their person (or as we think owner). My journey with animals took an unusual turn one day when I was asked by a client if I would or could do a clearing on the stable where she housed her horses. 
She told me it was haunted. Many people throughout the years had been aware of and scared by ghosts within the main meeting area of the arena and there were many other areas that had ghost energy also. They had verified 3 primary ghosts, one woman and two men plus she said there was a ghost horse. 
I was very intrigued and of course agreed right away. This sounded like an adventure to me. I wanted to see ghosts. In the past I had cleared out negative energy in homes when the residents thought of their places as haunted.  Sometimes the people were excited by having their own ghosts and other times such as in the horse stable and arena they were very disturbed by the images and energy. In this case the horses were disturbed by the ghosts also and that did bother me. 

So I went to the estate and met my client. On my way I went straight on the road at an intersection where I should have turned right. I saw a horse image on the road with me and realized I did not turn when I should have. I followed the horse and it led me to the right road. 
When I arrived my client had another woman with her and they went with me to the meeting area above the arena so I could clear the space. They wanted to show me the ghosts but needed each other for support. Earlier on my way to the stables I had talked to my guides and angels and shared with them that I wanted to see these apparitions before they were sent into the light. So I looked around and I was very excited when I did see a change in the energy in the corner. The two ladies verified the corner was where they also saw the ghosts. I went over to the area very excited this energy disturbance was considered a ghost. I visualized the light coming and clearing out the energy and watched until the disturbance was gone and the energy looked clear.  
I was successful clearing the energy from the main meeting room. I then did the arena and the stables where the horses watched. When I was doing the clearing and sending the disturbed energy to the light, I did see the shape of a horse but it did not want to go into the light. 
It was then I realized the horse wasn’t a ghost but a spirit energy that guides and protects the horses located within the estate. The horse spirit thanked me for the clearing and blessings. I understood it was the same horse spirit that lead me to the estate when I took the wrong way at the intersection. I thanked the horse spirit for helping me stay on the right road and get to my appointment.
When I was finally finished I heard in my head that the clearing would only be effective until the next entity came in with someone. So I was asked by the angels to bless the space which I did with their help. After, I tuned into the energy of the entire estate and saw that the arena and stables had been sold many times within the past several years and were not being used for events as they had been. The arena wanted to be used again for events and was very certain the blessing would help bring it back to life. The estate thanked me for coming and sharing my light and blessings. 
Now this was really something new to me. The estate thanking me. Yet I did have the sense that was true. 

After the clearing and the blessing on the estate, my client introduced me to her newest horse. She asked me if I could pick up anything about him. He hadn’t been eating very well and he seems sluggish. I tuned in and I told her he was asking where the border collie is and waiting for a woman with blond hair. He didn’t seem to know where he was. She stilled and told me that his owner had died suddenly a few weeks ago and she had blond hair. She also shared his late owner had him stabled in another place where there was a border collie that played with him. I helped the horse understand his late owner was no longer alive and he had a new owner now. His late owner came to say good-bye and the spirit horse helped him understand what was happening. He did share with me his new owner had been very nice but he thought he was just waiting for his person to come back from a trip. My client was very happy to learn this information about her new horse and decided she would check into whether she could bring dogs to the stable or find out what kind of companion she could allow her horse to have. 
It was a most enlightening day for me. I learned I was able to clear and bless haunted spaces. I wasn’t afraid of dark energy. But most important horses have their own angelic guides. I had always believed horses and all animals do have angelic guidance but to see a horse spirit and have an estate thank me for clearing out the energy and blessing the space those were truly magical events that I will always remember. 


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