Lighten Up!

A common theme for me in this life is to "lighten up". While I think I am light and full of love I do know my thoughts can be heavy with past memories and thoughts. As I get more clear with myself of how I wish to share my time on this Earth and the work I want to do it has become important to me to use each day fully. Be fully present with each activity I do and with each person I interact with and allow the past thoughts and images to have their own time each day.

By giving my past an actual time each day to be acknowledged and understood I have freed up my awareness of Now to become an alive entity. My Now has become an energy pattern that feels fresh, clean and full of possibilities.

For too long I have been victimized by the Darkness that surrounded me as a young child. I have run from it. I have hid from it. I have pushed against it. I have studied and worked with numerous alternative healing activities in my hope this would allow the Darkness to leave me so I don't have to think about it or be controlled by it anymore.

When working on an issue or memory I find suddenly there is a clearing. Usually accompanied by a shift within my thoughts and beliefs. An aha moment when some thought, or memory or image becomes absorbed into my Energy field and accepted as part of me. At that point another layer of healing has taken place. At that point I can think about that issue or memory that used to haunt me like a shadow and know I have accepted that piece of me. Made peace with it. Understood that part had a place within my personal timeline and has helped me grow. It no longer has an abnormal heat or intensity about it. It has been merged into my consciousness and become a teaching moment.

Today I know when I get that aha moment with a client and they are able to accept and process another layer of healing. I realize now that each time those moments happen for me or for someone I am helping it helps me lighten up and as I lighten up so does my world.

I understand now this is why I will continue to learn, teach and help myself and the people in my life continue to lighten up. Together we can make a difference within our own personal growth of understanding and healing while also making a positive contribution to this ever expanding group consciousness and knowledge of how our thoughts, memories and feelings contribute to our physical health and our energetic health.

I wish us all many aha moments each day so we can continue to heal and grow our inner light allowing our physical and energy being to lighten up too!


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