Embrace new possibilities.
This year has been an amazing year of learning new ways of expressing myself and sharing my understanding about how we are creating our lives and the opportunities that are coming to us. I have had so many unexpected changes I started to worry about what I was creating. Then I remembered to relax and take the time to really understand what was occurring. I am learning to go to my temple in the Akashic vibration and work with the tools there for healing, understanding and integrating the many changes and lessons of this truly magical time. And so I am always returning to the magic and wonder of my own mind. I have never seen or felt things the way most of the people around me seem to. 

It used to bother me quite a bit and at times I did believe I was either scary or crazy or psychotic. However through all the years and challenges I was always surrounded by the most loving and compassionate energy that I realized if my family and friends could not feel this it might be because they are not as connected to their emotions. Instead of the reality the adults would have me believe which was there was something wrong and dangerous about me. I now do know I am quite sane and it is insane to believe we are alone in this universe. That there are only human beings existing on planet Earth. An amazing fairy tale most of us have all bought into. A true Grimm's fairy tale too because it includes many dark and dangerous creatures who do look like us and do embody human forms. Yet if these people would tune into the wonder and light I sense every day of my life would they chose the lower vibrations of death, fear, limitations and lack?

I no longer care or choose to live life like a normal person. I am choosing to live with light, love and joy each and every day. I am choosing to embrace possibilities and release doubt, fear, limits and loss. How can I ever lose at life when I am an infinite being with infinite potential and possibilities?  I can only lose the opportunities that present themselves to me that I chose to not follow or participate in. So I will continue  to move ever onward and draw the light to me at all times.

With love and light I wish you great joy and unlimited abundance which in truth is our Divine right. 


  1. I completely agree with you. This akashic journey has opened up so many new possibilities and the world is different than I once thought. I don't have to wear masks out of fear anymore. But maybe this physical body that I am in right now is my current mask that allows me to live on this planet.
    I am learning there is no normal, and that is okay.
    I'm so glad you are part of my journey, Maggie!


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