
Showing posts with the label channeling God

Help Me, I have Forgotten how to Connect to God

Do you want to strengthen your own unique connection to God? God is the name we have given to the source of All That Is, the Universal Source, the Great White Spirit or the higher intelligence within the Universe. Whatever your name for this vibration is, if you want to build a stronger connection to this light, you will learn  simple ways to help you do that on this episode of Mastermind with Maggie.  We will discuss ways you may have been shut down in your connection to the brilliance of your soul. Then share simple tools to help you reestablish your connection. We will also share ways you can strengthen your vibration and learn how to work in partnership with the Divine to create a life you love. 

Coming into the Light

I am a Psychic and I was born with the ability to tune into a world that was unseen by my friends and family. I have always channeled information from my guides and teachers. When I was young this information would pop out of my mouth and when asked where I heard it or learned it I could not tell anyone. I really did not know other than my unseen friends might have shared it. I haven’t always used this ability. I consciously turned it off when I was 10. My mother had been murdered and I was overwhelmed by the dark energies that surrounded me and wanted to hide so the Darkness could not find me or my family. I spend many, many years successfully in hiding (or so I thought) until the time came for me to wake up. I started to consciously call back the energy and my unseen friends around the turn of the new century and now I am happy to report they are with me when I need guidance or I want to receive guidance for others. I am now a conscious channel which is a person who is aware of the ...

Conversations with God

07/14/10 2:05am Tonight I am unable to sleep. I find myself going over in my mind discussions with God. Yes, I am admitting I talk to God, or the energy I imagine is the Divine Being. I imagine this because the energy, intelligence I converse with is so loving, compassionate and wise. Seems to know all about me, the life I have lived and the things that plague me. Tonight I am sad. Very sad. People, mankind has me sad. I saw my grandchildren tonight and I realized even though they are young they have learned how to cloak themselves in order to protect themselves and their feelings, emotions. My grandson is almost autistic at times but I know it is an act. An act to allow himself the luxury of not being in pain. He has such depth of emotions it hurts and that is something I know, my children know and perhaps for the first time I realize most if not all of us are feeling. That is why we take so many drugs to escape the pain of our thoughts and emotions. And by burying our emotions we ...