What new and exciting things can I create today? Maggie Chula May 23, 2012 I have recently made the decision that the best way for me to support my business and my home is to merge the two and once again work out of my home. This time will be slightly different. I am much more comfortable working from home than I was a couple of years ago and I am embracing the opportunity to take sessions outside if my client or students would like to and it is a nice day. It has taken me many years to continually stay within the understanding that everything I need to be successful is within me and available to me always. As I embrace this concept and work within the dynamics of building that conscious awareness within my life I am finding more freedom to express myself within my writing. I have branched out from the blog and for the third month in a row have successfully submitted an article for publishing to Om Times. A link to my articles and my blog is located within ACe...
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