
Showing posts with the label spiritual teachings

That which does not kill us

That which does not kill us Well, I thought my inner Pollyanna had finally met her match. My husband has had a series of physical and medical issues lately and I have been responsible for helping him out around the house and with the snow shoveling so he did not lift anything that weighted more than 15 pounds for about two months now. This meant that I would need to do any shoveling of our beloved stairs going up to our house or the large driveway we have so we could drive our cars. Now on a normal year this would be daunting but this year decided to be a challenging year for all of us. A year for us to face our fears head on and determine if we were going to stay victorious or we were going to run for cover, ducking our heads under the blankets until the scary darkness left and sunshine returned. At least that is how it felt to me.  I have had numerous years that have challenged me. Numerous opportunities to face my fears and stay victorious and I was feeling very much up...


Serenity by Maggie Chula As I work to put together the information I want to share within my new classes I have been reminded time and again to remember the Serenity Prayer. God grant me the serenity To accept the things I can not change; Courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference. This prayer is a mantra playing over and over again in my head. My understanding is there is so much going on in my current life and on my mind as I work towards my current goal of building a loving and nurturing place where all students of the mystery school of life can come and be supported as we build our connection to the Divine Wisdom of our Higher Self that hanging on to any perceived guilt or regret of past actions is a luxury I can no longer afford.  It takes discipline to continually release thoughts and feelings of regret and guilt. Everyone has them. There isn't a human being on this Earth who is immune to the toxic energy of...

Lighten Up!

A common theme for me in this life is to "lighten up". While I think I am light and full of love I do know my thoughts can be heavy with past memories and thoughts. As I get more clear with myself of how I wish to share my time on this Earth and the work I want to do it has become important to me to use each day fully. Be fully present with each activity I do and with each person I interact with and allow the past thoughts and images to have their own time each day. By giving my past an actual time each day to be acknowledged and understood I have freed up my awareness of Now to become an alive entity. My Now has become an energy pattern that feels fresh, clean and full of possibilities. For too long I have been victimized by the Darkness that surrounded me as a young child. I have run from it. I have hid from it. I have pushed against it. I have studied and worked with numerous alternative healing activities in my hope this would allow the Darkness to leave me so I don...

The winds of change

So the winds of change continue to roar through the Earth’s energy grid. Whatever your leanings and opinions on the political realm it is my hope we all understand that everyone and everything within this wonderful Universe is connected. When people are struggling it affects all of us. When people are prosperous that also affects all of us. We are one big happy group of energy. We are just at different vibrations and levels of thought and beliefs. But think on this, we all desire happiness, peace, love, security. The difference might be do you feel everyone is deserving of these gifts from the Universal Source Energy. If your answer is no, then I recommend you take a moment to determine why you are not deserving. For if we are all connected and all a part of the same Source Energy and you would deny blessings towards another you are really denying them for yourself. Perhaps this is a new way of viewing the world for you. If so, I would recommend you continue on the path towards buildin...

Confessions of an intuitive energy healer

I have a confession to make. I work as an intuitive energy healer and I have Crohn's Disease. It has taken me years to admit to myself that although I do get great results and very often am able to be prescription drug free there are times I do need to take medicine to keep my body in good working condition. I believe I am learning how to integrate working with the Western medical professionals as well as my own intuitive guidance to build and maintain a healthy body, a sound mind and clear energy centers. Some times when I finally do admit I need help though it feels like a failure and that is something I want to release and let go of. It isn't a failure to admit you need others at times. It is a positive step to realize you are in harmony with the Universe and in its infinite intelligence there are other light beings just as caring who sincerely want to help me achieve a healthy and normal balance within my body. The frustration is the way my doctors are trained the medicines...

Conversations with God

07/14/10 2:05am Tonight I am unable to sleep. I find myself going over in my mind discussions with God. Yes, I am admitting I talk to God, or the energy I imagine is the Divine Being. I imagine this because the energy, intelligence I converse with is so loving, compassionate and wise. Seems to know all about me, the life I have lived and the things that plague me. Tonight I am sad. Very sad. People, mankind has me sad. I saw my grandchildren tonight and I realized even though they are young they have learned how to cloak themselves in order to protect themselves and their feelings, emotions. My grandson is almost autistic at times but I know it is an act. An act to allow himself the luxury of not being in pain. He has such depth of emotions it hurts and that is something I know, my children know and perhaps for the first time I realize most if not all of us are feeling. That is why we take so many drugs to escape the pain of our thoughts and emotions. And by burying our emotions we ...

Begin Again

This blog is being created to help me share my thoughts about the mystical process of co creating my life with the Divine. I am so very grateful for the clarity I have received and the inspirational prompting my guides and angels share with me.  When I started the journey of being more consciously aware of the co creation process, my life took some turns I did not expect. What I had yet to learn was the true depth of co creation is to create without predetermined ideas of how the outcome would come about. This might sound contradictory but what I mean is, I am continually learning to identify things that bring me joy and that I would like to have within my life. Hold those thoughts in my mind. Move towards the joy and look for the sign posts that are always given to me on where my well being is flowing. Where the next step in my process lies. There are plenty of boulders I put in place to slow this process down but I am learning how to sense when I am about to create one and eli...