A Horse Ghost story
Animals have always played an important part within my life. I love to interact with them and I know there are times they want my attention usually to share information with their person (or as we think owner). My journey with animals took an unusual turn one day when I was asked by a client if I would or could do a clearing on the stable where she housed her horses. She told me it was haunted. Many people throughout the years had been aware of and scared by ghosts within the main meeting area of the arena and there were many other areas that had ghost energy also. They had verified 3 primary ghosts, one woman and two men plus she said there was a ghost horse. I was very intrigued and of course agreed right away. This sounded like an adventure to me. I wanted to see ghosts. In the past I had cleared out negative energy in homes when the residents thought of their places as haunted. Sometimes the people were excited by having their own ghosts and other times su...