What now my love?

Do you know that lyric, “what now my love, now that it’s over. I feel the world closing in on me.” Well, in many ways life is ending. Not in the way that we are going to need the cans of food and bottles of water people were hoarding at the turn of the century or as I refer to it, the last time people started talking about the end of days. No, this is an end of our being able to delude ourselves that our actions do not have an effect on those around us. The end of our being able to be the “victim of life”. I know I wrote about turning from “victim to victorious” a couple of months ago but this is a time when once is not enough. This is a time when we need to hear, understand and acknowledge our part in the play that is taking place on Earth. 
For too long the shadow energy of oppression has been allowed to take over and control the majority of the energy that surrounds this planet. How is that happening? Because we have been as a collective group running away from life and responsibility in record numbers. The thought that “I don’t need to stand up to that injustice because someone will stand up for the needy (and thankfully that isn’t me)” is very quickly falling away into a horror in our collective understanding of what sitting on the sidelines and just letting this rain of terror happen to others has done to our financial systems, our educational systems and our medical systems. There are others but those appear to be the big three. 
The time has come to stand up for what we know is right. What we know we want for ourselves and what we have always thought, dreamed or hoped would be the outcome eventually, someday, maybe when the energy shifts. 
Does any of this resinate with you? I am not proud to admit I have also stood on the sidelines quietly praying, sending loving energy and envisioning a peaceful and loving world. But today as I wanted to just write about my work with the Akasha my higher guidance has shared with me that I am a visionary. I have always been one and that is why I was so good as an information systems project manager. I could and can envision the end result of what will happen when you bring changes to a very complex and intertwined organization. Give me a business issue and I can help you develop a clear beneficial outcome that will address the issues surrounding your organization, the change that is needed to support the project and create a plan that will lay out the tasks needed to get there.
And now my guides want me to share with you a new path to creating a new world. 
I have been seeing too many of us pushing against what we do not want. We do not want the majority of our family, children and friends to be over medicated so they do not feel anything. The United States isn’t quite to the point where China is with the large industrial complexes of slaves they have working day and night but it is to a point that we are medicated and docile so we sit on the side lines and do not even try to help bring in the change we all know is needed. 
Seriously who really does think our culture (and I am talking specifically to those of us in the United States now) is healthy and vibrant? Fully utilizing the wonderful people of our country in a way that allows all of us to live a nice, healthy, safe and rewarding life? And yet we have the opportunities, the resources and the human capability to create such a world. 
Most of the illness and lack that exists in our country today could be completely eliminated if we as a collective group (United States citizens) would take back our power of choice, take on our responsibility to ourselves and each other and stop medicating ourselves into a stupor.
The clear path to change (and it is here already so pay attention) is to become more consciously aware of your own energy. How do you use it? What do you resist and push against? What are you holding onto that keeps you from moving forward? Where is your passion? What can you do to become more passionately involved with the life you are living right now? If you see something that troubles you or worse horrifies you can you stop that image from running in your head, visualize a peaceful and loving outcome and also take steps to insure you do not add energy to the action of enslavement and oppression but instead add energy to helping those who are less fortunate or are tired from being on the front lines while the world around them doesn’t seem to care. Send loving and light energy to the ones who are abused, scared or tortured. It does not matter if we are viewing a person or an animal or a collective group such as women without personal power in an oppressed land. I am told that everyone of us who focuses on what we want, what we would like to see happen within our own life does contribute to the healing and change of that situation or event. 
Whether a healing is needed on a physical level, a mental or emotional level the energy knows where to go and the Universe does have a plan. Angels are all around us. Both incarnated and living here on Earth and as heavenly spirits working with us on an energy level. Believe that. Take comfort in that. See yourself reaching out and getting recharged by the Universal energy of light and love. Visualize, imagine or feel the energy surrounding you, your loved ones, the situation you are pushing against. Stay within that protective loving energy until you feel a sense of done, complete. Then take a moment to be grateful for all you have. Grateful to be able to share your light and love with others which will help solidify your vision, image or thoughts so that they can germinate and manifest into our physical world and vibration. Know that you are needed. Your thoughts are as important as anyones. So if you are feeling lost, stuck or overwhelmed by the day and what is expected of you take the time to recharge your own energy and then you can go out into the world again as a facilitator of change, ambassador of light and love. Aligned with your heart and your mind and in alignment with your highest guidance. 
Be the light and change you wish to see in the world. That has always been a good motto and will remain the right direction for all eternity.


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