Working withiin the Akashic Vibration

I teach a course I call the Akashic Vibration Process. This course has been shared with me by the Arch Angels, Masters and Guides located within the Akashic Vibration. They are multi dimensional beings just as we all are. The time has come though to truly open up on a conscious level to our multi dimensional selves. My classes on the Akashic Vibration and the many tools and levels within this vibration is very visual and I use a series of channeled guided visualizations within the class to help my students feel, sense and know this wonderful, loving vibration. While the Akashic Records are a part of the course they are not the only tools shared with us. We also learn how to use the Hall of Records, the Flame of Transmutation, the Emerald Mirror or Looking Glass, and many other wonderful tools as well as helping you meet your own Counsel of Light Beings. 

I have spent the past two years focused on this process. I have taken hundreds of people through the initiation and a select group even further. The reason I was selective about the additional courses is that as I went through it with them I was also a student learning how to be a Master teacher and heal my many layers and levels. I feel complete for the most part on that and my body, mind and soul reflect that healing. 

So now it is time for the latest incarnation of my Akashic Vibration Process, the Akashic Vibration Webinar. Yes, I am taking this directly to the web. I need to reach as many people as possible for this next collection of classes so the ones who are drawn to work with me will be in a clear vibration of alignment by December 2012. For as Metatron has shared, “as we each individually grow our consciousness connection and awareness of our multi dimensional being we grow the group consciousness for beings incarnated within the planet Earth”. He deliberately used the term being to include the animals, crystals, and all living energy within the Earth herself. 

I can promise you, your experience with the Records, the Guides and Masters will be different than mine but I guarantee you will feel the same level of remembering for we are all Beings of Light and our Light is Recorded within the Akasha. 

Please join me as this information is shared with all of us in a manner that allows each and every one of us to open up to our own higher wisdom and guidance. To learn more about the Akashic Vibration webinar or the Akashic Vibration Process please go to my website
It is my intention to have the classes recorded and made available for purchase but I highly recommend you consider joining me and the other light beings drawn to this work so our energy can be used synergistically to help in the expansion and growth that is unfolding each and every day.


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