What new and exciting things can I create today?
Maggie Chula
May 23, 2012

I have recently made the decision that the best way for me to support my business and my home is to merge the two and once again work out of my home. This time will be slightly different. I am much more comfortable working from home than I was a couple of years ago and I am embracing the opportunity to take sessions outside if my client or students would like to and it is a nice day. 
It has taken me many years to continually stay within the understanding that everything I need to be successful is within me and available to me always. As I embrace this concept and work within the dynamics of building that conscious awareness within my life I am finding more freedom to express myself within my writing. I have branched out from the blog and for the third month in a row have successfully submitted an article for publishing to Om Times. A link to my articles and my blog is located within ACenterForEnlightenment.com my primary website. The page is titled Maggie’s Writing. 
The past few months I have also made some important changes within my online presence. I was unhappy with my website provider and so I changed where I created and housed my website. While doing that I decided to expand out and use the various domains I had purchased to create separate websites instead of having them all point to one. But being in a creative bent and not thinking of logical flow....I expanded out in the direction that met my purpose at the time and find I now need to focus and redesign the flow of the websites as well as the physical move of the office space. 
So my real question would be why does this surprise me? After all this time knowing myself and my guides and realizing my changes happen throughout many layers and levels at once I should have expected this but I did not. So this newsletter or blog is to share with you that I am in a bit of a transition at least as far as dealing with the public is concerned (office space, home office, websites...) but my readings, sessions, and classes have moved to a higher level as well and I am still available to schedule private sessions, parties or small groups. My classes will be starting up again in September with a couple of lighter ones available this summer. 
I sincerely hope you join me and open up to the understanding that your life is flowing in the direction of your thoughts and desires so when you experience some things that seem to take you by surprise become present to what is happening and what part of the moment is unexpected within your life.
Let’s open up and have fun with this. Life is too short to waste it on what could have been. Instead join me in bringing your current focus to “what new and exciting things can I create today”? 
Your guides, angels and masters will enjoy the creation process with you and you will expand your ability to know you are right where you are meant to be and life is a wonderful, blessed experience. Being in the vibration of knowing, accepting and expecting that statement to be true will help you maintain your vibration so you will be better able to hear, sense and know the higher wisdom and guidance that belongs just to you :)
If you need help achieving the vibration of joyous loving appreciation for you life give me a call. I am very good at helping people get to that level of vibration. 


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