What it means to me to be called a Psychic

It was with tremendous trepidation after years of internal dialog that I chose to come out and use the word Psychic as a description of my work and natural abilities. The word Psychic has enormous energy as an archetype. Many people have a lot of preconceived ideas of what it means and it has a vibration of power I have fled from for most of my life. Why would anyone willingly come out in the open and tell people they have an ability that scares some people, has been judged so harshly through the centuries as being evil or doesn’t even exist as has been declared by other groups? I felt I would be putting  myself on trial to be judged. That is what I feel from some people a judgement of “so you believe you are better than me, or know more than I do.” To which I would like to say, “no I don’t”. I am a channel, a facilitator, a human instrument who allows a higher energy or higher intelligence to use me to reach out and help my fellow human beings and myself heal on some level. In a good session that is what happens no matter what we call the session we are about to embark on. I have learned how to move out of the way (ie take my ego out) and allow the knowledge or energy or process to be played out with my physical body being the instrument. 
l have chosen to read, study and absorb lots of ways other people are working with energy in an attempt to ensure I am as clear and knowledgable a Psychic channel as possible. Deep inside me I too would like to know how how I “know” things. I successfully teach people how to open up to their other senses, (also known as ESP, psychic abilities, intuitive senses, you place your term here) and yet I can not always explain how I know what I ”know”. Still I am choosing to not run away from this ability or label any longer. 
I need to remember though, two people can hold a conversation about anything on any subject and they will look at it differently, remember it differently and take away things differently. That is why I always go up to my Source of Light within the Akasha and say a prayer that the information I am about to receive and share be of the highest intention for good for the person I am working with. I also ask that the information that is shared be of value and that they are able to receive and hear it in a way that will provide comfort, help and healing. My goal is for my client to feel a deeper sense of understanding regarding the issue, relationship, or concern that prompted them to contact me for a session. Many times if we are working on some deep beliefs that need to be shifted or understood from a different level the client can be slightly disoriented and will need to be grounded before the session ends. Working with energy does affect your mind and body in very real and interesting ways. I work to help my clients understand how to ground and protect themselves so they can move forward with new tools on how to be safe as they expand their conscious understanding of who they are. As a Psychic channel it is my responsibility to clear from each session, release the connection and know within my own heart and soul I offered the highest counsel I could connect with. 
So if you have strong thoughts and ideas around the word Psychic (as I did) whether good or bad I invite you to look within and see what your own higher wisdom is sharing with you and please remember most of us are doing this work with the intention of helping. We have the same passion to help and heal as a musician who must work with sound and harmony, an artist who needs to be creative or a scientist who longs to discover how things fit together. It is in our soul DNA. A Psychic needs to work with the Universal Light and Energy. 
There are people who claim to have a strong psychic ability who are really out to only make money and prey on people who are looking for help, clarity or guidance. This is true of any profession. If the knowledge and sharing we find on the internet can help us understand anything at all, I believe it should be unscrupulous people exist in all walks of life performing all kinds of jobs. The internet does also remind us there are wonderful, loving people found in all walks of life performing all kinds of jobs. So if you are seeking guidance, clarity or help from a Psychic or any healing professional I hope you take the time to “tune in” to your own intuitive sense and “see” if this person feels right to you.
I chose to work as a Psychic and allow myself to be used as a channel for light, love and Spiritual guidance. I acknowledge all people are connected in some way to their Divine energy.  I know there are people looking for a way to connect even deeper on a conscious level. I understand this desire to connect deeper is a need I can fill through my work as a Psychic and Spiritual Counselor. This knowledge and understanding is the way I chose to live my life. 
Thank you dear Source for this amazing view of life, energy and the connection of all things. Thank you also for helping me to heal my heart and be able to accept I am a Psychic. 


  1. Nicely said, Maggie. You are one of the best in my opinion.

    We are moving into an age where many of us will learn to live with one foot grounded on the Earth and the other foot in a higher dimensional reality. The ability to understand the higher aspects of one's reality will become increasingly important. Until we all develop the innner vision to do this ourselves, psychics provide an essential service. It's not so much about "when will I find love" or "will I get a better job". The primary questions to ask first are "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?"


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