Begin Again

This blog is being created to help me share my thoughts about the mystical process of co creating my life with the Divine. I am so very grateful for the clarity I have received and the inspirational prompting my guides and angels share with me. 

When I started the journey of being more consciously aware of the co creation process, my life took some turns I did not expect. What I had yet to learn was the true depth of co creation is to create without predetermined ideas of how the outcome would come about. This might sound contradictory but what I mean is, I am continually learning to identify things that bring me joy and that I would like to have within my life. Hold those thoughts in my mind. Move towards the joy and look for the sign posts that are always given to me on where my well being is flowing. Where the next step in my process lies. There are plenty of boulders I put in place to slow this process down but I am learning how to sense when I am about to create one and eliminate it from my mind before it manifests in this physical plane of existence. I am becoming more clear on how I am formulating my life in the spiritual realm and then having it come into creation. 

We all do this on an unconscious level but the time has come for us to open up and become more conscious of the process of physical manifestation so we can facilitate the process of growth and expansion more quickly towards creating a peaceful and balanced world. The benefits to the Earth and to mankind are undeniable. We can no longer sustain the dark thoughts of separateness. Of one person being more important than another. Of one life being more important than another. The social order we have created is falling apart and it is time for a new life, a new understanding of who we are and how our world is created to become clear to the majority and not just to the people who had access to this knowledge and power yet chose not to share it or perhaps did not know how to share the knowledge. Many teachers and masters live among us and are sharing their wisdom and understanding. Whoever you are if you feel the desire to awaken to creating your life on a more conscious level, there is now a teacher available to help you learn the process in a way your mind is able to absorb. I believe this with all my heart.

So let's go forward learning, sharing, growing and expanding. I promise to share my growth and knowledge within this blog. If you feel you could learn from me how to open up and become more conscious of the co creation process within your life please contact me. My information on classes and sessions I facilitate and teach are located within my website,

I wish us all peace, love and a light spirit as we grow and expand with this beautiful planet Earth.


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