Conversations with God

07/14/10 2:05am

Tonight I am unable to sleep. I find myself going over in my mind discussions with God. Yes, I am admitting I talk to God, or the energy I imagine is the Divine Being. I imagine this because the energy, intelligence I converse with is so loving, compassionate and wise. Seems to know all about me, the life I have lived and the things that plague me. Tonight I am sad. Very sad. People, mankind has me sad. I saw my grandchildren tonight and I realized even though they are young they have learned how to cloak themselves in order to protect themselves and their feelings, emotions. My grandson is almost autistic at times but I know it is an act. An act to allow himself the luxury of not being in pain. He has such depth of emotions it hurts and that is something I know, my children know and perhaps for the first time I realize most if not all of us are feeling. That is why we take so many drugs to escape the pain of our thoughts and emotions. And by burying our emotions we are killing ourselves. Some people truly do get off on causing others pain but that is also a cry for help. A cry to not feel. Like the bully who terrorizes others in order to not be the weak one who is terrorized.

And what does that say about our species, about mankind? How did we get into such a state? Where is the lightness of spirit, the immense love I feel from the God energy? Why is this what we have created for ourselves? How did this happen? When did this happen?

We say these are enlightened times. We are thankful we don't live in the dark ages but to me, these are the dark ages. People were never so openly in despair. Even when there were fewer things, maybe because there were fewer distractions we were closer to our family, our community, we knew we were part of one world. When did we become a species of isolation, hatred of people who are not like us? Look like us, act like us or think the way we do or you are the enemy. I realize not everyone is acting out the pain in their hearts and minds but it certainly appears to be a good portion of the world.

Where is the light. The love of our fellow man? Where is our compassion for each other? How did the darkness take over so much of the thoughts within our group consciousness and when will we wake up and take back the light and vanquish the Beast. I am beginning to think the Devil is a real energy. I know where there is light there is darkness. I understand the scientific principle of that theory but how did the Devil get such a stronghold on the world and how God, do we vanquish him from our group consciousness and bring your love, compassion and light into the forefront again? I am asking a serious question and I really do expect an answer.


It will happen one mind at a time. One voice at a time. With all beings in harmony with the energy and vibrations within their souls. It is so easy and simple people just can not except the answer and so we need to say it, send it and share this message as many ways as possible. Look inward. See your own light. See your own Divinity. Realize you are a child of the universe as are all things. As are all things. This wondrous Divine love, compassion and guidance you receive is here for all to receive, feel and experience. It starts with one and it is only one who can share this. It is only each one. You know me and you are sensitive to my vibration. So do all living things. But some are in pain. Some are bitter. Some have been so hurt and confused they can not except that they have control, each one has control. Each one has this Divine power. So they turn to a more obvious power. The lower vibration, the darkness, my brother. He offers power, calming feeling of control. Take control over others before they take control over you. You and I know that is not real power or real control but to a hurt and bitter heart it just may be. And we, those of us who do emanate light, love and compassion, we will carry them and their burden until they too find light, love and compassion for themselves. Then and only then can they find compassion, love and light for others. It will happen. Believe. It will happen. Light trumps darkness. Love is the highest vibration within this universe. Believe and follow me. Out of the valley of the shadow of death let us go now into the light.


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