
Serenity by Maggie Chula

As I work to put together the information I want to share within my new classes I have been reminded time and again to remember the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I can not change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer is a mantra playing over and over again in my head. My understanding is there is so much going on in my current life and on my mind as I work towards my current goal of building a loving and nurturing place where all students of the mystery school of life can come and be supported as we build our connection to the Divine Wisdom of our Higher Self that hanging on to any perceived guilt or regret of past actions is a luxury I can no longer afford. 

It takes discipline to continually release thoughts and feelings of regret and guilt. Everyone has them. There isn't a human being on this Earth who is immune to the toxic energy of dwelling within these lower emotions at times. They come with the territory of being incarnated and it is my opinion that working to release them from our current mind and embrace joy, love and gratitude is a primary lesson for us all which when realized and experienced in our daily journey of consciousness contributes to the new energy of flowing within the river of wellbeing. 

Wellbeing, joyousness, and love open up and activates compassion. These tools are available to all of us and are more easily and effortlessly a part of our daily life as we embrace gratitude and tune in to our Divine Wisdom. 

I have been blessed with the ability to inspire, motivate and teach others how to access this connection and stay conscious while living a heart centered and compassion filled life. I invite you to join me as I grow in this new path of the mystic teacher. As always my Angelic Guidance is with me helping to create inspiring courses. And they are with you too! 

No matter who you are drawn to as a teacher or spiritual mentor I sincerely hope you do stay on the path of expanding your conscious awareness of your Divine Nature and connection to all of Life. I guarantee you will feel uplifted and supported as you learn how to easily and effortlessly release the veil of separateness and build your connection to your own Divine Wisdom. 


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