
A Horse Ghost story

Animals have always played an important part within my life. I love to interact with them and I know there are times they want my attention usually to share information with their person (or as we think owner). My journey with animals took an unusual turn one day when I was asked by a client if I would or could do a clearing on the stable where she housed her horses.   She told me it was haunted. Many people throughout the years had been aware of and scared by ghosts within the main meeting area of the arena and there were many other areas that had ghost energy also. They had verified 3 primary ghosts, one woman and two men plus she said there was a ghost horse.  I was very intrigued and of course agreed right away. This sounded like an adventure to me. I wanted to see ghosts. In the past I had cleared out negative energy in homes when the residents thought of their places as haunted.  Sometimes the people were excited by having their own ghosts and other times su...

That which does not kill us

That which does not kill us Well, I thought my inner Pollyanna had finally met her match. My husband has had a series of physical and medical issues lately and I have been responsible for helping him out around the house and with the snow shoveling so he did not lift anything that weighted more than 15 pounds for about two months now. This meant that I would need to do any shoveling of our beloved stairs going up to our house or the large driveway we have so we could drive our cars. Now on a normal year this would be daunting but this year decided to be a challenging year for all of us. A year for us to face our fears head on and determine if we were going to stay victorious or we were going to run for cover, ducking our heads under the blankets until the scary darkness left and sunshine returned. At least that is how it felt to me.  I have had numerous years that have challenged me. Numerous opportunities to face my fears and stay victorious and I was feeling very much up...


Serenity by Maggie Chula As I work to put together the information I want to share within my new classes I have been reminded time and again to remember the Serenity Prayer. God grant me the serenity To accept the things I can not change; Courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference. This prayer is a mantra playing over and over again in my head. My understanding is there is so much going on in my current life and on my mind as I work towards my current goal of building a loving and nurturing place where all students of the mystery school of life can come and be supported as we build our connection to the Divine Wisdom of our Higher Self that hanging on to any perceived guilt or regret of past actions is a luxury I can no longer afford.  It takes discipline to continually release thoughts and feelings of regret and guilt. Everyone has them. There isn't a human being on this Earth who is immune to the toxic energy of...

Release Work

Release Work  by Maggie Chula We are experiencing a wonderful time of change, regeneration and rebirth. The Earth is shifting into a new vibrational alignment with the power planets within our solar system. The human species is shifting into a new dimension of understanding about who we are and what our purpose is within this beautiful expansive universe.  While all this wonderful energy and shifting is taking place we are each being called to release our fears, doubts and limiting thoughts to make way for a new expansive understanding on how we are all connected and aligned together as a species and with our Soul Being.  The question comes up, how do you release limiting beliefs and fears easily and effortlessly if you haven’t been able to do this before? Why should you be able to do this now just because the date is somehow a combination of ....what? This doesn’t make sense!!!   The answer is, no it doesn’t make logical sense and it isn’t mean...

Create a place for wellness each and every day.

This has been an amazing year of change and growth. As we come to the holiday season for 2012 and embrace this wonderful time of year it is also a good time to reflect back on personal changes so we can understand how far we have come. Sometimes the main voice in our head only shares how far we still want to go and we do not allow ourselves to take a moment and feel the beautiful sense of accomplishment for everything we got done. Doing this might be as simple as taking the time each day to tune in and connect to our higher wisdom and guidance. Or taking the time each day to be grateful for all the abundance within the world around us. Whatever you do or however you stop for a moment every day to be present within your life, you are giving yourself the gift of being still, silent and okay with the life you are creating.  Taking a silent moment to tune in to your higher wisdom, or still your mind enough to be present and happy with where you are now is very healing. It helps y...

Heart Healing with Arch Angel Raphael

A few nights ago, when I went to bed, I prayed for a healing dream. I said," Mother, Father, God, Creator of all there is, I respectfully request a healing dream to help me release my fears and anxiety and restore my thoughts to the understanding that all is as it should be and I am aligning to the highest vibration for my current consciousness and higher wisdom. "   I had several times when I woke up during the night just long enough to register what I had been dreaming about and each time it was saving someone, a group, healing on a  larger level of thought than my own. Then the hour before I had planned to get up I started having an intense pressure on my chest. I understood my heart energy was expanding and pulsating outward and my physical heart was releasing and purging. I was getting mildly concerned because I did feel it within my physical body and the pressure was like a giant rubber band squeezing my chest. I realized I was looking through the Emerald Mirror ...

Working withiin the Akashic Vibration

I teach a course I call the Akashic Vibration Process. This course has been shared with me by the Arch Angels, Masters and Guides located within the Akashic Vibration. They are multi dimensional beings just as we all are. The time has come though to truly open up on a conscious level to our multi dimensional selves. My classes on the Akashic Vibration and the many tools and levels within this vibration is very visual and I use a series of channeled guided visualizations within the class to help my students feel, sense and know this wonderful, loving vibration. While the Akashic Records are a part of the course they are not the only tools shared with us. We also learn how to use the Hall of Records, the Flame of Transmutation, the Emerald Mirror or Looking Glass, and many other wonderful tools as well as helping you meet your own Counsel of Light Beings.  I have spent the past two years focused on this process. I have taken hundreds of people through the initiation and a ...