
Conversations with God

07/14/10 2:05am Tonight I am unable to sleep. I find myself going over in my mind discussions with God. Yes, I am admitting I talk to God, or the energy I imagine is the Divine Being. I imagine this because the energy, intelligence I converse with is so loving, compassionate and wise. Seems to know all about me, the life I have lived and the things that plague me. Tonight I am sad. Very sad. People, mankind has me sad. I saw my grandchildren tonight and I realized even though they are young they have learned how to cloak themselves in order to protect themselves and their feelings, emotions. My grandson is almost autistic at times but I know it is an act. An act to allow himself the luxury of not being in pain. He has such depth of emotions it hurts and that is something I know, my children know and perhaps for the first time I realize most if not all of us are feeling. That is why we take so many drugs to escape the pain of our thoughts and emotions. And by burying our emotions we

Energy and Our Belief System

Our subconscious mind controls what is created in our lives.  It is through our belief systems that we create our own reality. Learning how to be more conscious allows you to co create your reality so you are attracting new scenarios and situations and bringing greater opportunities into your life.  This is achieved through changing – literally re-writing – your feelings and beliefs on a cellular level. The subconscious levels of the mind stores and collects our beliefs. It is the memories and beliefs held by the subconscious mind that literally dictate, dominate and control all areas of life, co creating everything that is manifested in our realities. These stored beliefs and thought patterns hinder and block us from living our highest potential in perfect health and happiness living life fully, "joy" fully in all areas of our lives. It is conscious co creation that will help people create joyous lives. When your heart and mind are in agreement you can choose

Begin Again

This blog is being created to help me share my thoughts about the mystical process of co creating my life with the Divine. I am so very grateful for the clarity I have received and the inspirational prompting my guides and angels share with me.  When I started the journey of being more consciously aware of the co creation process, my life took some turns I did not expect. What I had yet to learn was the true depth of co creation is to create without predetermined ideas of how the outcome would come about. This might sound contradictory but what I mean is, I am continually learning to identify things that bring me joy and that I would like to have within my life. Hold those thoughts in my mind. Move towards the joy and look for the sign posts that are always given to me on where my well being is flowing. Where the next step in my process lies. There are plenty of boulders I put in place to slow this process down but I am learning how to sense when I am about to create one and elimina