Energy and Our Belief System

Our subconscious mind controls what is created in our lives.  It is through our belief systems that we create our own reality. Learning how to be more conscious allows you to co create your reality so you are attracting new scenarios and situations and bringing greater opportunities into your life. 

This is achieved through changing – literally re-writing – your feelings and beliefs on a cellular level.
The subconscious levels of the mind stores and collects our beliefs. It is the memories and beliefs held by the subconscious mind that literally dictate, dominate and control all areas of life, co creating everything that is manifested in our realities. These stored beliefs and thought patterns hinder and block us from living our highest potential in perfect health and happiness living life fully, "joy" fully in all areas of our lives.

It is conscious co creation that will help people create joyous lives. When your heart and mind are in agreement you can choose to create that great love, happiness, health, and wealth. When the belief system is contrary to these desires the results created in your reality are contrary as well.  The "Law of Attraction" confirms, "what I think or believe conscious or unconsciously, I will indeed create".  Although this is not new information, it needs to be brought to our level of awareness in a way in which we can comprehend and fully understand.

There are clear scientific studies that state how the mind, body and spirit are all interconnected. The neurons in our brain act as messenger signals. The very moment a negative thought enters our mind our bodies respond through the energy field created around that thought form.  Results have shown that in that instant our vitality or energy level is decreased.  When our energy levels are decreased, our immune system becomes weakened, thereby allowing the potential of an illness to be created. We have the power to heal the emotional, spiritual and mental state of mind that have been created by these thought forms. We also have the power to heal the physical body.

There are many amazing success stories for health, wealth, and perfect loving partnerships. For instance have you ever wondered how so many people have had illnesses that seem to miraculously heal themself? How did they do that? It began with the belief that they could. They knew they could! This is also how you can want and desire love, pray for that perfect love relationship, go through years of therapy to heal certain areas of your life, follow detailed instructions of various gurus, read countless books on spiritual growth and self empowerment and still not have that perfect love and perfect health you so desire.

Great Scientists, incredible inspirational and motivational speakers, teach us that it is our deepest, innermost beliefs and the way we perceive ourselves to be, locked on the subconscious levels that shape and create our realities. It is a validated and proven fact by science which confirms: our unconscious beliefs create our reality - Quantum Physics – Quantum Mechanics, the "Field of Thought" theory.  What we think and believe, will become our reality. "Our thoughts are energy, energy creates matter, matter creates realities". We are all electromagnetic beings, having an electric energy field that runs within, through, and around our entire human body. This energy contains information, messages and thoughts. Once this energy system has carried an emotion, feeling, or thought for a long time, it has assisted in creating and bringing it to reality. 

In a very simplified way of understanding energy, think of it as oxygen.  It is oxygen that is running through our entire bodies.  Without it we would not be alive.  Oxygen is made up of pure energy.  It holds no other matter in any form, yet it functions within the human body to maintain our vital life force.  There is no verbal language created. Therefore we can say that energy in and of itself communicates through an energy language. What I believe, I will create by the very fact of this energy force that has been created by the thought process.  This is one of the reasons why our deepest fears become our reality.

In any aspect of your life where you are not being all you can be, learning how to become more conscious of your thoughts, feelings and emotions, empowers you to co create a life you love and assists you in loving the life you live!


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