
Showing posts from January, 2012

Lighten Up!

A common theme for me in this life is to "lighten up". While I think I am light and full of love I do know my thoughts can be heavy with past memories and thoughts. As I get more clear with myself of how I wish to share my time on this Earth and the work I want to do it has become important to me to use each day fully. Be fully present with each activity I do and with each person I interact with and allow the past thoughts and images to have their own time each day. By giving my past an actual time each day to be acknowledged and understood I have freed up my awareness of Now to become an alive entity. My Now has become an energy pattern that feels fresh, clean and full of possibilities. For too long I have been victimized by the Darkness that surrounded me as a young child. I have run from it. I have hid from it. I have pushed against it. I have studied and worked with numerous alternative healing activities in my hope this would allow the Darkness to leave me so I don...

What it means to me to be called a Psychic

It was with tremendous trepidation after years of internal dialog that I chose to come out and use the word Psychic as a description of my work and natural abilities. The word Psychic has enormous energy as an archetype. Many people have a lot of preconceived ideas of what it means and it has a vibration of power I have fled from for most of my life. Why would anyone willingly come out in the open and tell people they have an ability that scares some people, has been judged so harshly through the centuries as being evil or doesn’t even exist as has been declared by other groups? I felt I would be putting  myself on trial to be judged. That is what I feel from some people a judgement of “so you believe you are better than me, or know more than I do.” To which I would like to say, “no I don’t”. I am a channel, a facilitator, a human instrument who allows a higher energy or higher intelligence to use me to reach out and help my fellow human beings and myself heal on some level. In a ...

Coming into the Light

I am a Psychic and I was born with the ability to tune into a world that was unseen by my friends and family. I have always channeled information from my guides and teachers. When I was young this information would pop out of my mouth and when asked where I heard it or learned it I could not tell anyone. I really did not know other than my unseen friends might have shared it. I haven’t always used this ability. I consciously turned it off when I was 10. My mother had been murdered and I was overwhelmed by the dark energies that surrounded me and wanted to hide so the Darkness could not find me or my family. I spend many, many years successfully in hiding (or so I thought) until the time came for me to wake up. I started to consciously call back the energy and my unseen friends around the turn of the new century and now I am happy to report they are with me when I need guidance or I want to receive guidance for others. I am now a conscious channel which is a person who is aware of the ...

Yeah for 2012!!

As I start this new year I can not help but be influenced by all the amazing things I have heard, read or imagined would happen within the year 2012. I never did think civilization as we know it would end and be destroyed like it was during Atlantis or Lemuria. In those days when the massive earth changes destroyed the land civilization was lost. Today we see the effects and our heart goes out to the people within those nations but life goes on and our world continues.  When I went into the Akashic Records and asked for guidance on the meaning of this 2012 vibration this is the message I received; The Earth is shown to me as a hologram. Inside the Earth are multiple changes taking place that will have an effect on land masses and where water is located within the surface of the Earth. There are areas that will be shifting and changing and because of the additional strain on the Earth and it’s atmosphere due to the way we as people are using and abusing the Earth’s resources some ...