
Showing posts from 2017

Grief the spiritual teacher

Are you ready to heal and create a healthy and joy filled life? Join me today and help create a portal for healing. Share in a sacred circle of light and understanding. Our   focus this month is understanding the powerful lessons of Grief, the Spiritual teacher. How each of us can expand our heart vibration, chose our thoughts, and release personal demons.   Share in short guided visualizations and feel relief during this month of fiery energy. It is hard to miss the disruption in your personal energetic field. Coming together we heal exponentially, creating a portal for others to follow.  Be supported as you let go of multiple layers of grief and embrace your soul vibration. Learn more about my classes now. #SacredSharing #Healing #MentalHealth #LifeSkills #AkashicVibration #SoulHealing #MaggieChula #OmTimes #spirituality

Sacred Sharing love and light healing

Are you in need of inspiration? Come and join in our sacred circle of light. Discover tools to help transform your life and support the creation of health and vitality. Be inspired to share your best while igniting your passion to create a loving, joyful life.  Here is the link for Tools for Transformation. Enter EQJ7ZKLV to receive 20% off  Find my classes at Learn more about me at Share your love with the world and flow with abundance. Watch this video and share in the healing light and love.  So much light and love came through. Thank you to all who share in this vibration and contribute to our sacred circle. I share my blessings of light and love with you.